
Throughout my sociology class regarding social gerontology, I have learned much about the social aspects of aging. It has broadened my knowledge base on the topic and in this blog you will find a collection of things from a few of the chapters in which I found especially interesting. ENJOY!



Sociology and Aging

"Social Gerontology is the sociological sub field of gerontology which focuses on the nonphysical and social aspects of aging. Sociology focuses on the broad understanding of the elderly experience, their health, their emotional and social wellness, and their quality of life, just to mention a few."
(Reference #4)


Progressing through the stages of life (Reference #3)


"The charm of history and its enigmatic lesson consist in the fact that from age to age nothing changes and yet everything is completely different."
~Aldous Huxle (Reference #6)

Monday, March 28, 2011

CHAPTER 7: Love, Intimacy, and Sexuality in Old Age

Menopause: cessation of the menstrual cycle. (Reference #8)

Reference # 7
I chose to display this diagram as it shows a variety of studies that all found that many couples remain sexually active at older ages, as well as the majority of healthy men and women are sexually active on a regular basis into their seventies and beyond. 

Reference # 13

I chose this video because I found it really interesting that a news channel did a piece on the aspect of sex and aging. It helps to reiterate the importance of expression of affection and intimacy in aging. The need to feel loved, even in old age, is still there. This video also reiterates that sexual intimacy remains a need throughout older ages in people.

Widower's Syndrome: describes sexual dysfunction following a long period of abstinence due to a partner's illness and/or death. (Reference #8)
Prostate cancer: the most common cancer among men age 65 and older (Reference #8)


"The sun setting is no less beautiful than the sun rising." ~Paul Green

I chose this quote because I think that it helps to illustrate the concept that intimacy in old age is no less beautiful than that in younger ages. Not only do I think that it illustrates that, but it also illustrates all aspects of life are no less beautiful at younger ages than in older ages. To me, it relates to the idea that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that no beauty should be discounted in anyway, especially one that you find worthy to yourself, regardless of others' views.

Intimacy, Love, and Aging

E D S B M D A K X V H V L F H K Z S R X W V K Y P 
K C X T P T B F X Y T I L A U X E S W R I O M P E 
S C N F M S E W D H D G O Q I D Y P J R H O R Y R 
T Z I E J G N Z V Z A L S U S L A F O J S M E Y I 
Y H P O T C I U O H Y S L U D H O P I B C V T N M 
P P T X R O J N X W O W E L C W A R U S H T L C E 
F G O O G G P P Z F E M M F S U K E B U V L B P N 
Z G Y S M D A M W J Q P X A S J P R T K Y L B P O 
E O U U T V B S I A Y B J E J P M K J H G R H V P 
H B W A Z M F T M K Z B V Q H N X N M M S E K F A 
D H A S Q S E X U P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S U 
W K R X B B F N X J P M Y A L V J N A X X S A K S 
B T A M W N G F O R L T J S D O L A S N X U B W E 
U P P N H H Y D D P X Y X C T W B W W I I L H A V 
M S D G Z D C P H A A Y K D X E K O M A H Y S N Q 
R L U O U P A Z H Y K U D E J B P W M M J T J K B 
R U S T Z E M B I M E S S Z F D K Z X N F B S A H 
Z W Y L Y B I M Q C N N P E L D Y W O I R X H G L 
H Q B U H M T B L P H W M H Y A B I O E E C I T J 
F B G Q E G N V V F P O Q Z W M T C J U R X Z G S 
L K W H V H I M A D A H R D H C Y P Z J C E J B Z 
Z T O M S E V H Q U D H G D E Q L F K P M K A O K 
I L X R U I O C V U A Q R R X R T K U G U J I R O 
H O T F L A S H D V Y P E S K O A V W W H S T A P 
T U T E W G Y D V A U E W N X H N B C M W M T F X 

ERECTION (the swelling of the penis or clitoris in sexual excitement)
HOTFLASH (a sudden sensation of heat in the upper body cause by vasomotor instability as nerves over-respond to decreases in hormone level during menopause)
IMPOTENCE (the inability to have or maintain an erection)
INTIMACY (freedom to express and respond to human closeness)
ORGASM (climax of sexual excitement)
PERIMENOPAUSE (unpredictable menstrual cycles- up to 10 years before menopause)
POSTMENOPAUSE (when 12 months have passed without a menstrual cycle)
SEXUALITY (feelings of sexual desire, expression, and intimacy, not just sexual activity)
SEXUPHARMACEUTICALS (prescribed medications, such as Viagra, to treat men's erectile difficulities
VIROPAUSE (male menopause)
I chose this chapter because I feel as though the prevalence, as well as importance, of love, intimacy, and sexuality in old age is often greatly overlooked, or vastly downplayed by many people. This chapter helps to reiterate the fact that older people have sexual needs and desires just as younger people do. This chapter also helped to better educate me on some of the issues that can arise regarding sexuality as one ages. I felt as though these websites that are linked helped to create a better understanding of the topics they are on. The diagram helps to show the results of several different studies regarding sexual activity and aging. The video also helps portray the idea that older people still have sexual desires and needs as well. I especially liked the poem in that it helps to emphasize that beauty is more than just a young, initial vibrance.

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