
Throughout my sociology class regarding social gerontology, I have learned much about the social aspects of aging. It has broadened my knowledge base on the topic and in this blog you will find a collection of things from a few of the chapters in which I found especially interesting. ENJOY!



Sociology and Aging

"Social Gerontology is the sociological sub field of gerontology which focuses on the nonphysical and social aspects of aging. Sociology focuses on the broad understanding of the elderly experience, their health, their emotional and social wellness, and their quality of life, just to mention a few."
(Reference #4)


Progressing through the stages of life (Reference #3)


"The charm of history and its enigmatic lesson consist in the fact that from age to age nothing changes and yet everything is completely different."
~Aldous Huxle (Reference #6)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Chapter 10: Opportunities and Challenges of Informal Caregiving

Family and medical leave act: Federal legislation passed in 1993 that provides job protection to workers requiring short term leaves from their jobs for the care of a dependent parents, seriously ill newborn, or adopted child. (Reference # 8)

Reference # 11

I chose this photo because I think that this is the typical picture many people would get in their head when they think about caregiving. However there are many different forms and aspects to informal caregiving that many people tend to overlook when thinking about the topic.

Reference # 14
I chose this video because I think that it is overlooked by many that elders can also suffer from abuse or neglect. I think that it is important to realize that they do still have needs to and it is important that we do not rationalize or allow this abuse and neglect to occur.

National Family Caregiving Support Program of 2000: Requires state and area agencies on aging to provide services to support family caregivers. (Reference #8)
Elder mistreatment: Maltreatment of older adults, including physical, sexual, and psychological abuse, and financial exploitation and neglect. (Referenec # 8)

A Prayer for the Caregiver
by Bruce McIntyre
Unknown and often unnoticed, you are a hero nonetheless.
For your love, sacrificial, is God at his best.
You walk by faith in the darkness of the great unknown,
And your courage, even in weakness, gives life to your beloved.

You hold shaking hands and provide the ultimate care:
Your presence, the knowing, that you are simply there.
You rise to face the giant of disease and despair,
It is your finest hour, though you may be unaware.

You are resilient, amazing, and beauty unexcelled,
You are the caregiver and you have done well!

I chose this poem because I think that caregivers are often under appreciated in todays society and I think that they are a very important and valuable asset to our society. I think that we should do more to show our appreciation to them and show the gratitude that we have for them.

Informal Caregiving

Z I I D H P D U I V T U K E P U C T N Q R L E P T 
P B N P F I Q Q B C W D M N H A T W D M L C K R C 
W L I I M W L F E K P O W J R Z S F I E N L R I E 
I I O R M O Y L K W Z L R E F Z G W K E N T J M L 
E H K D C H G H Y K K F G R N U Y O L S P Q N A G 
S C W T K E H O A R D I N G O V A O U H Q M W R E 
X U I V N X X E Y T V B X P Q S I A O G W D D Y N 
Y S B F X R Y G G E W R F Z E V C S V K J A H S R 
Z V L J I N F O R M A L C A R E G I V I N G F T E 
D E G W E Y W B T N M U N E S V J M N I U G L R D 
S U Q H B C U Y M F F W N N U Q J C H O Q F F E L 
A G F F J R T M Z S T T A J T F Z V M V R Z J S E 
O W M J D G R I J A R T G T R K U E T M P H R S S 
I F R E H G X O V A Z E D Y Z J P U X F H G C O J 
Q W N G H I L R P E U S G U A P A P R P D W I R Q 
M B G I E W M E G V B M Y C X T C Z G Z T G E S L 
W K K Y B H T Q M W S U C O V U J H D I Q F G Q C 
X D G N E A G N C I I Q R S W Y S G C Q I H N C G 
Y U X G M Z Q V O H K K A D M L T Z U C L H D N V 
H S K I R L J D N E D R U B E V I T C E J B O S B 
S Z T V A D V F I F X Z E M Y N V Z B K E E B B I 
J N V A A X P O D P L N X N J A Y I S B V R T V A 
I Y S W Q F S R Y J J Q R R G Y Y I X C F Q Z I N 
Z M N A K P G U H M E U J J M D T C W R P P L Q Q 
Y I T H G X N R J Y P G H K T K D Z S M I Q O W V 

CAREGIVERBURDEN- physical, emotional, and financial costs associated with assisting persons with long term care needs.
CHRONICSORROW- Long term, seemingly never-ending grief that can impede physical and mental well-being.
ELDERNEGLECT- deprivation of care necessary to maintain elders' health by those trusted to provide the care
HOARDING- A type of self-neglect in which the person excessively saves things, often putting themselves or others at risk.
INFORMALCAREGIVING- unpaid assistance provided by family, friends, and neighbors for persons requiring help with ADL and IADLs.
INTIMATEPARTNERVIOLENCE- domestic violence between partners/spouses
OBJECTIVEBURDEN- reality demands that caregivers face
PRIMARYSTRESSORS- events that derive directly from the elder's illness, such as memory loss or wandering.
SELFNEGLECT- the older adult engages in behavior that threatens their own safety, even though mentally competent.
SUBJECTIVEBURDEN- the caregiver's experience of caregiver burden;differential appraisal of stress.

I chose this chapter because I think a part of aging that is overlooked is the caregiving aspect beyond simply nursing homes. I did not know a great deal about the broader aspect until reading this chapter, and I think many other people may not as well. I think that the resources I included in this blog can help someone to get a better sense of the overall aspect of caregiving and elders.

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